2022 CCANB Lucky Quiz Award List

Posted By Administrator /

January 29, 2022 7:00pm – 9:00pm Online


2022 “家在・福来”春晚有奖问答获奖名单

2022 CCANB Lucky Quiz Award List

  1. CCANB是哪年成立的? What year CCANB was founded?(1977)

    1. 沙爽

    2. XuFeng
  2. 晚会一共有多少舞蹈节目?How many dance performances were presented tonight at this gala?(7个)

    1. Angeline

    2. Rongfan
  3. CCANB中文学校今年开办了几个班 How many classes does CCANB Chinese school offer currently? (18)

    1. Tom Ng

    2. SheXia
  4. NB省的省花是什么? What’s the provincial flower of New Brunswick?(紫罗兰purple violet)

    1. Heidi

    2. Greg Smith
  5. 福莱位于NB的哪个county(县)What County is Fredericton in (York)?

    1. Sandy Liu

    2. Jeremy
  6. 本届晚会总共有几个演员? What’s the total member of performers in tonight show?(89个)

    1. 张辉

    2. Elaine
  7. CCANB 45年来的board member总共有多少个? What’s the total number of all CCNAB board members in the past 45 years (131)?

    1. Leonard Wang

    2. 庞慧
  8. 本届晚会舞蹈演员最小的几岁?What’s the age of the youngest dancer in tonight’s show?(5岁)

    1. XiaoYu

    2. YJW

领奖时间: 2022年2月3日, 周四9:00-12:00

领奖地点: 919 Prospect Street, 102 室

请大家按时统一领取, 谢谢!新年快乐!

Gift Pick Up Time: February 3, 2022, Thursday 9-12am

Pick Address: 102, 919 Prospect Street

Please pick your gift at the above address on time. Thank you! Have a good Chinese New Year!