
Updated on November 28, 2023

We acknowledge the support of the Canadian Race Relations Foundation with funding provided by the Government of Canada.

Anti-Racism Lectures & Seminars
  • “A History of Chinese Immigration to Canada”

    Speaker: Dr. Larry Shyu, Emeritus Professor of History Department, UNB

  • “Remembrance of Chinese Exclusion Act”

  • “NB Small Claims Court”

    Speaker: Dr Chaoho Meng

  • “Microaggressions: What are they?”

    Speaker: Ms. Xiuming Shi

  • Inter-Culture Awareness: Indigenous Cultures & Way of Life in New Brunswick

  • Speaker: Dr. Imelda Perley

  • Inter-Culture Awareness: Acadians in New Brunswick

  • Speaker: Mr. Loewe Xu

  • “The Grand Epoch: A Profound Journey”

    Autobiographical Podcast of the Memoir of Larry Shyu