2019 Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck & Fun Party

Author: Zhengyong Yang / Posted By Administrator /

Septemper 14, 2019 Ecole Sainte-Anne (715 Priestman St)


Dear members & friends,

CCANB would like to invite you to join us for a Mid-Autumn Festival Potluck & Fun Party!

September 14, 2019 (Saturday), starting at 5:30pm

Cafetorium, Ecole Sainte-Anne,

715 Priestman Street, Fredericton, NB

  • This will be a potluck gathering - bring enough of your favourite dish to share with everyone!
  • Mooncakes will be provided for everyone to enjoy.
  • If you want to take part in the Karaoke singing, please advise Hong Yan of your song selection before September 12 by email (yanhong54@gmail.com)
  • There'll be many Fun Riddles for Kids, with small prizes to be won!

Let’s celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with an evening of food, friends & festive fun together!




中华文化协会定于9月14日17:30在法语学校(Ecole Sainte-Anne)举办中秋月饼节聚会,



1, 品尝中秋月饼 (热心志愿者将为大家准备美味月饼)。

2, potluck! 请大家携带自己的拿手菜肴,大家一起分享 (带足份量啊,不许糊弄)。

3, 卡拉OK, 给各位被埋没的歌唱家一展歌喉的机会

(我们需要事先准备曲目,请大家把自己准备演唱的曲目名称于9月12日发送给严宏@Elvis yan微信 )。

4, 猜谜语,欢迎大小朋友开动脑筋踊跃参加,猜对还有小奖品哦!