A Festive Night Celebrating the Mid-Autumn Full Moon

Author: Danya Mu, Doris Wu / Posted By Administrator /

September 14, 2019 the Cafetorium in Ecole Sainte-Anne


The Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick held a Mid-Autumn Festival potluck & fun party on Saturday, September 14, 2019 at the Cafetorium in Ecole Sainte-Anne, in Fredericton, N.B.

Hundreds of families brought in their favorite home-cooked dishes that made the food tables look like a beautiful Chinese embroidery that was a feast for both the eyes and the taste buds.

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a Chinese tradition to celebrate the end of the autumn harvest to bring together family & friends on the 15th day of the 8th lunar month. As the famous ancient poem “Water Song” by Su Shi says – “Though far apart, we are still able to share the beauty of the moon together.”

A special thanks to the volunteer team who hand-made 340 sweet bean & five-seed moon cakes for everyone to share on this special occasion. A Karaoke singalong and riddle games for kids followed. It truly was a happy celebration of the Mid-Autumn Moon, complete with food, friends and festive fun!

Have a Happy Mid-Autumn Festival!


农历8月15日是华人的传统节日中秋节,也称“团圆节”。身在异乡的人们常常无法阖家团圆,9月14日,在CCANB的组织下,小城福来的近300名华人在Ecole Saint-Anne的Cafetorium举行中秋节potluck活动,遥望明月共此时,欢度佳节同相知,福来华人大家庭共庆中秋。






