September 16 2018 Lobby of McCain Hall
The first day of Chinese School was marked with excitement!
Thank you, teachers and volunteers, the day went off without a hitch!
We will continue taking registration for membership and classes over the next two weeks.
- Class fee is $80 per school year.
- Membership is $20/family and $10/individual.
- Youth group membership is $25.
Classes include:
- Four different levels of Chinese language classes
- Beginner Chinese for non-Mandarin speaking (youth & adult)
- Math classes for 6-12 graders
- Chinese calligraphy
- Go/Chinese Chess
- Arts for youth
- Yoga
- Folk dance classes for children and youth (various levels),
- Folk dance class for adult (beginner level - free for members!)
- WuShu classes, including Kong Fu for kids, Yang Taijiquan & Chen Taijiquan
- Fitness dance (free for members!)
- Choral class(free for members!)
We hope our “Sunday Chinese School” will become part of your family's routine in the coming year!

CCANB Chinese School