Time for Giving – Support our Frontline Healthcare Workers

Posted By Administrator /


We are continuing our efforts in collection donations in support of our frontline healthcare workers during the COVID-19 pandemic with the following two projects:

Collecting masks to be donated to the Community Family Practitioners of Fredericton

Community members can donate masks of the following grade:

• surgical masks; NIOSH-approved medical or non-medical (unopened is preferable)

• masks (unopened is preferable) N95, N90, N99, N100, P95, P90, P99, and P100

Please send us an email at ccanb@ccanb.ca with the subject line – “DONATION – MASKS” and a description/photo of the type of masks, the quantity you wish to donate and your contact information (email and phone number). We will respond to your kindness promptly.

Donating to the Chalmers Foundation’s COVID-19 Support Fund

Community members can donate online at www.chalmersfoundation.com or donate through our Association.

If you wish to donate through us, please send an email to ccanb@ccanb.ca with the subject line “DONATION - Chalmers Foundation COVID-19 Fund” and your name, address, phone number, e-mail address and the amount you are considering. We will respond to your kindness promptly.

Our sincere salute and gratitude to all the frontline workers, you are our heroes!

Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick