Upcoming Events/10

CCANB Events, Chinese Community Dynamics, Fredericton Situation...
The information on this page is collected by CCANB and is for reference only. CCANB does not provide any guarantee or associated warranty for related services.


6:30 – 8:30 pm, September 22, 2018
Odell Park Lodge, Fredericton

Mid-Autumn Festival Invitation

To: CCANB MEMBERS AND FRIENDS: You and your families are cordially invited to Mid-Autumn Festival on September 22, 2018 (Saturday).



June 24, 2018
Beaverbrook Art Gallery (BAG)

Family Art Day of the Beaverbrook Art Gallery

We will be showcasing some beautiful Chinese dancing on June 24, 2018.



June 22, 23, 2018
Officer Square

10th Cultural Expression Festival

We will be joining the 10th Cultural Expression Festival with 10 programs ranging from Chinese Kungfu to lion dance and to colorful Chinese dancing.
