CCANB Youth Group

Updated on November 29, 2023

Join our youth-led, monthly activities that celebrate Chinese culture while fostering new, lifelong friendships.

Our group is inclusive, open-minded and dedicated to ensuring you time in the CCANB Youth Group is unforgettable.

Take advantage of the excellent opportunites to volunteer and develop leadership skills.


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Who Can Join:

- Age 12 to 20 ;

- Interested in Chinese culture ;

- Anyone looking to have fun!



Potential activites include:

- Apple picking;

- Halloween pumping carving;

- Dumplings making;

- Summer trips;

- And much, much more!

CCANB Children’s Group

Ages 6-11

Aims to create strong bonds among youngsters.

Your child will find lifelong friends and create many wonderful memories.

Come join us, and let's explore nature, discover science, and make lots of friends!


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