100th Anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act

Posted By Administrator /

June 23, 2023, 3:00 – 6:00 PM Fredericton Cultural Centre, 28 Saunders Street


Please join us for a viewing party on the National Remembrance of the 100th Anniversary of the Chinese Exclusion Act:

  • June 23rd (Friday) from 3:00 – 6:00 PM
  • at the Fredericton Cultural Centre, 28 Saunders Street
  • Refreshments (Chinese Zong Zi & Samosas) will be available

This event is an opportunity to recognize the longstanding relationship between Chinese Canadians and Indigenous Peoples in Canada, to enhance a sense of pride and belonging, and to act against racism.

The event is cohosted by the Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick and Asian Heritage Society of New Brunswick. It will be livestreamed from the Senate Chamber in Ottawa. There are 240 (and counting) viewing parties across the country. For more information about the National Remembrance Event, please visit:


See you on June 23rd!