20200510 Joy of Recreational Fishing

Author: Adam Luo, Hu Di / Posted By Administrator /

May 10, 2020 Online


CCANB ZOOM Cloud Meeting May 10, 2020 (Sunday)

“Joy of Recreational Fishing” 四季钓鱼

Mr. Tony Yu From its renowned salmon fishing on the Miramichi River to its ocean playground on the Bay of Fundy, New Brunswick is one of the best places for recreational fishing in the world. Fishing addicts from all over the globe come to New Brunswick each year to participate in a number of fishing activities including fly fishing, deep sea fishing and ice fishing. And it`s becoming quite the trend among newcomers in Fredericton.

Tony Yu came to NB three years ago and instantly fell in love with fishing. Despite starting out with no knowledge of the sport or the area, he quickly took to learning everything about fishing like a fish in water. Last year he launched his fishing charter and tour business in Fredericton.

Tony was recently invited to give a talk on the pastime in a Zoom presentation as part of the CCANB's Expert Talk series. He first shared his journey from the discovery of the sport to the challenges he faced in learning the trade before he moved on to fishing rules and regulations in the province.

Pro tips on equipment selection and fishing techniques were then covered in detail for beginners. Tony concluded the talk by sharing his favorite fishing spots in the region and several useful online resources. By the end of the talk, people were ready to start fishing - and thanks to Tony, they now know how.

CCANB公益讲座 2020年Zoom课堂第六讲~钓鱼,主讲人Tony于海峰,移民来到福莱之后,他从一个初级钓鱼爱好者,经过不断的研究和探索,成为资深钓友,如今钓鱼成为了他生活的一部分。今天他带给大家钓鱼基础知识的讲座,深入浅出的讲解了钓鱼装备的置办,NB省法律法规,钓鱼注意事项和资讯网站地址,四季钓鱼的鱼种和地理位置,以及和钓鱼相关的娱乐活动,这些知识和讯息为大家提供了切实的帮助。

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