2021 Xmas President message

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Dear CCANB members and friends,

Holiday’s greetings from the Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick. Thank you for all your support for CCANB throughout 2021! It is in this spirit that we send our best wishes to you and your family for the holidays and New Year.

CCANB was founded in 1977 by a group of Chinese Canadian in Fredericton. Their great spirit and efforts have been carried on by countless volunteers, including parents, teachers, students, and many more, over the decades. The time, experience, and diligence from our members and volunteers to organize our wide variety of classes, seminars, and social/cultural events are what make CCANB have such a positive impact in the community.

In 2022, we will be celebrating CCANB's 45th Anniversary. We welcome all of our friends and members in our community to join us in celebration.

Happy holidays!

Sincerely yours,

Zhenyong Yang, President

Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick