Happy Lunar New Year

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Happy Lunar New Year! 给大家拜年啦!

Wishing you a joyous and prosperous Year of the Dragon! May the spirit of the dragon bring you strength, good fortune, and success in all your endeavors.

Join us in celebrating the festivities at our New Year Gala on February 11th at the Playhouse, where a 'Spring Adventure' awaits. Immerse yourself in the enchanting blend of traditional and modern performances. Catch a sneak peek in our trailer at YouTube:

We look forward to sharing the joy of the season with you.

Chinese Cultural Association of New Brunswick


祝社区的所有朋友和您的家人: 新春快乐,身体健康! 万事遂心,龙年吉祥!

CCANB晚会《春之邀》向您伸出双手,来吧和着她的节拍,一起相约2月11号Playhouse与亲朋好友共度首届联合国佳节。精彩纷呈的花絮中有您有我! 🌸