Settlement Programs

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The MCAF Resettlement Assistance Program (RAP) is offered to government assisted and community groups sponsored refugees resettling in Canada. MCAF RAP staff, community interpreters and partners work with newcomers to support their initial settlement activities such as locating suitable accommodations, general household items and essential clothing. RAP clients are further referred on other MCAF programs and services such as Settlement Worker in Schools (SWIS), Language Learning and Skills Development (LLSD), NB Employment Language Training, Community Connections etc., government and community services such as healthcare, subsidized housing, after school programs, childcare facilities, etc.

The MCAF Settlement Intake, Needs Assessment and Referral (SINAR) worker is the first contact for those contacting MCAF. The bilingual SINAR worker ensures all clients receive, in their language of choice (English, French and other through interpretation). See languages:

  • a needs assessment;
  • information and orientation to MCAF, the larger community and government services;
  • appropriate referral to multiple settlement services and programs and to the larger community. More;

The MCAF Settlement programs offer services to newcomers including orientation to housing, healthcare, education and finances as well as interpretation and referrals to resources in the community. 

The MCAF Settlement Worker in Schools (SWIS) program facilitates the integration of newcomer families and students into the education system and community, and provides information and referral to public school and community resources which support the settlement process. mor

The MCAF Community Connections programs facilitate newcomers participation in and contribution to larger community.  Community partners play a vital role in helping newcomers adapt, settle and integrate into Canadian life. Community connections programs enhance cultural diversity and inclusive culturally competent services in Fredericton. 

In our community

The MCAF Community Liaison Worker Francophone Community and Schools program facilitates ssettlement and integration of newcomer students and their families in Francophone schools and community in Fredericton while enhancing partnerships with Francophone schools, CCSA and Francophone community in Fredericton.

The MCAF Language Learning and Skills Development (LLSD) facilitates newcomers to Canada to increase their proficiency in one of the official languages to facilitate their participation and integration in Canadian society. 

The MCAF NB Employment Language Training facilitates the full application of the skills with an employment focus related language training and employment counselling to facilitate appropriate integration and entry into the labour market commensurate with the work experience and training newcomers’ bring to Canada.  more

The MCAF Youth and Children Programs facilitate variety of activities for youth ages 12-20 from diverse cultural backgrounds.  The goal of the program is to foster self-esteem and leadership skills in the youth, to have them participate in community activities and educational events and to introduce them to Canadian society.