CCANB Events, Chinese Community Dynamics, Fredericton Situation...
The information on this page is collected by CCANB and is for reference only. CCANB does not provide any guarantee or associated warranty for related services.
school off on Feb. 18 & 19 More...
We will begin collecting donations from now until March 19, 2023. Please give generously. More...
There will be no school during the Lunar New Year holidays on January 21 (Saturday) and January 22 (Sunday). More...
“Melodies from the Past” – January 29, 2023, 7:00pm, at the Fredericton Playhouse! More...
Please note the following updates to the Chinese Language school calendar. More...
Please note the following updates to the Chinese Language school calendar (October 8 – 16, 2022) More...
Please note the following updates to the Chinese Language school calendar (October 1 – 16, 2022) More...
CCANB's Chinese Language School will commence its school year on Sunday, September 18, 2022 More...
Official registration date: September 10, 2022 More...
CCANB Public Lectures / Talks More...